


Dear Reader,
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Tuesday 6 September 2016

timeless rings and chains

Funny break between one project and another.

I've bought a little packet of O-beads, without any idea how to use them. Then the other day I came to this: a timeless pattern with only rings and chains.

OB = O-Bead 4mm
CWJ = Catherine Wheel Join
vsp = very small picot
Thread: I've used metallic gold DMC 282, that is like a size 70 thread.

If you are wondering where those beads come from, this is a link:

Load CTM 2 shuttles, beads aren't loaded on shuttles but joined with a normal upper join.

Start with a ring: 4ds, OB, 4ds, vsp, 4ds, OB, 4ds.

 (*) Chain 12ds ; Ring: 4ds, normal join to previous bead, 4ds, vsp, 4ds, OB, 4ds.
Repeat from (*) for your desidered lenght.
Turning for the second part: Chain 12ds; CWJ  to last bead; Ring with SH2: 10ds; CWJ  to the same last bead;
Second side: (**) Chain 12ds ; lock join to the vsp of the ring below.  Repeat for all the length.
The opposite end is the same as the turning side. Finish with a chain tied at the base of the very first ring.

This bracelet actually has already one matching earring, I'm doing the second and I'll show you soon.

Kia Ora
( )

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  1. Pretty bracelet, thanks for the pattern!

  2. I'm thinking sequins now !!!! :X
    Always good to go back to basics :-)

    1. Why not? Maybe any shape could work. I've also something squared...

  3. Love it, just my style, thanks for sharing.

  4. It doesn't have to be complicated to be lovely. So pretty!

  5. Bello e prezioso l'accostamento oro/rosso; le perline ad anello, finora, non le avevo mai viste utilizzate in un gioiello. Cercherò e proverò. Grazie, Antonia C.

  6. Se sei così gentile di traduure sempre in lingua Italiana. Grazie.


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