


Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

testing new cheap shuttles

Do you have an idea why shuttles disappear? I thought I had a lot, but it was not so, then I bought some more. When I asked for my usual little cheap (€ 1,00) plastic shuttles, they gave me those instead:

The producer is the same, but they changed everything: the smoothness is different, the plastic - material - is another type, the metallic central pivot disappeared. I had to refine it, "knock the rough edges off", I used a nail file, that never happened with previous model. The shuttle slips and drops often. Do I just need to get used to them?

That shuttle challenged me, so I must use it... guess what I'm tatting with it! An easy guess this time! I'll give you the pattern in next post/posts (I don't know how many), hope you would like tatting it with me, with your shuttles!

And here it is a glance to what happened to some shuttles... After tatting few coloured bracelets I have leftovers, but what I can do to empty them? Suggestions needed!

um abraço
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  1. I love the strawberries and flowers so perfect and you are extremely creative and love you work I am a big fan :)

  2. Love that strawberry bookmark!!! :)
    Emptying shuttles can be hard, but earrings and small motifs, or practicing new techniques is a good way.

  3. I have a little jar I fill with daisy's, they are glued on to contact cards for when I meet other tatters.

  4. I tat butterflies to clean my shuttles. Then give them to children--at school or where ever. They respond with such delight!

  5. Sounds as though the new shuttles are rather shoddy, how annoying. Love, love, love your strawberries! I make little butterflies to empty shuttles.

  6. I checked the price of your shuttles and we pay 2 and one half times for out less expensive ones in the U.S. so I think this is a good deal even if it need a bit of work :)

  7. Huh, your new shuttle is slipping & sliding on it's own !!! Isn't it a clever tatter =))
    I will definitely tat along with you -- that bookmark is just too yummy ! We will go on a Mediterranean diet together :-D

  8. If I could figure out where missing shuttles go, I would never have to purchase again. I must have purchased a hundred or more in my tatting history, yet I can never find more than a half dozen of them.


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