


Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

blog anniversary

Thank you very much for visiting me during these 3 years! Time flew!

I know Who has to be blamed for these almost 300 posts of mine that you've had to put up with ;-) ... (thank you dear!), but I don't know how it's been possible that I had over than 200,000 visits! My heartfelt thank you to everyone! Thank you so much for your support and for sharing with me your love for tatting. If you are a blogger too, please let me know with a comment, I'll add it in "My Blog list" in the sidebar. (I'd also say thanks to Google Translator, indeed!)

This week I'm going on with the green&purple doily, but I just needed a break. That's how the centre looks in white:

Sorry, I can't say what that thread is, very thin but without a label, it's a cotton ball my aunt gave me last year so it's been something old, not so much twisted in fact the lace turned out very soft.

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  1. Congratulations! Thank YOU for sharing your tatting projects and techniques with us.

  2. Well done. I read your blog regularly but am hopeless at commenting!!!! My fault as I read in bed in the morning (on the iPad) and by the time I've got up and got to a 'proper' computer I've forgotten where I am, who I am and what I'm meant to be doing. Again - CONGRATULATIONS.

  3. Congratulation :-) I really like your blog, your technical news and your beautiful works. Best wishes Justyna from

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary!!! :)
    Your new start is stunning, gorgeous, and so very elegant!!! :)

  5. Your is one of my favorites, thank you for blogging! Lovely little motif!

  6. Gratuluję rocznicy i życzę wielu kolejnych w blogowaniu. Wzorek wygląda pięknie. Jestem nim oczarowana. Pozdrawiam Małgosia

  7. Happy times,glad to have been part of your visits and you have had wonderful posts! CONGRATULATIONS :) 😄😄😄😄

  8. Thank you so much everyone :X

    1. Buongiorno Sig Ninetta Caruso desidero sono sempre interessata a imparare al più presto l'arte del chiacchierino.Ho visto i suoi stupendi e meravigliosi lavoretti e ne sono rimasta veramente affascinata. Mi faccia sapere al più presto.

  9. Congratulations, like Jane I visit but don't comment every time for variety of reasons. Happy to be part of the 200,000. Your blog is always a delight.

  10. Congratulations Ninetta! I always enjoy seeing your new creations.

  11. Stupendo Ninetta,mi piacerebbe se potessi aggiungere il pdf su Facebook. Complimenti e grazie

    1. Grazie mille per il tuo commento, Daria. Vediamo come verrà accolta questa mia iniziativa, finora tu sei la prima persona che mi chiede un PDF in italiano. Un abbraccio.

  12. Congratulations on your 300 posts, you have produced a wonderful blog full of interest and brilliant tatting designs, I always enjoy visiting your blog, the inspiration you give everyone is amazing, I hope you will continue for many years to come

  13. Late congratulations for your 300 and for being one of the most talented and creative tatters in all Tat-Land!❤️


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