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Wednesday 19 October 2016


I belong to a local nonprofit association that has the aim of passing the knowledge of lace, as many techniques as we can, offers courses during all the year and participates in exhibitions here in our city. It happened that an event was held during last week, where various associations participated and there was also a space to display their work. We went, too. Many of us brought their laces and I had a surprise from a friend: she brought a fan that I did!

I had completely forget it! Some years ago - forget how many - I gave her that fan as a Christmas' present. Pattern for the edging is Ila Frost's "block and clover edge" (I found a link, even I can't remember if that was my first source!):

We worked in public, I had my semi-invisible tatting and others worked on their bobbins.
Here it is the bobbin lace in progress by a talented boy just 10yo! He started learning in May!!

I also brought one rings' pillow I did last year, edging is from Priscilla Tatting Book #2

and also I showed the squared doilies in Bosa's filèt:

While I was there, I worked at my glass xmas' balls, diameter is 4cm, thread is Finca light gold (I doubled the thread) and the pattern is ... ergh, actually they are original but I can say something only about the last, this time I needed 5 prototypes to get a "passable" pattern, I was looking for that all-in-one-pass kind of pattern, eventually I got it. But I finished the balls!

I tried climbing to the outer round with the method learned from the rose in Priscilla Tatting Book #3, and I think it's quite good, even they're not double stitches. It is a valid alternative to the split chain method.

And what do you do with your last bits of thread? There's not only butterflies out there!

( )
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  1. Lots of beautiful lace!!! :)
    What a fabulous fan edging!!! :)
    I love your Christmas ornaments!!! :)
    Wonderful earring!! :)

  2. How wonderful that lace is being celebrated and publicised!

    1. I'm glad you like it, we enjoyed the event

  3. I can only parrot what Sue said and ogle :-O

    1. Ty! (Ah! another "new" word! Sigh! Thanks :) )

  4. Wonderful fan, beautiful pattern
    It must be lovely to have so many lace makers and tatters together making lace, thank you for showing the pictures of the lace.

  5. Lovely lace, how lucky to be around such talent. Love the earring too!

  6. Sounds like loads of fun. You all had quite a collection of beautiful work on display and in progress.

    1. Ty Eliz, yes it is, everyone has a little own treasure at home

  7. Cudowne koronki niezależnie od techniki jaką zostały wykonane.

  8. I do remember most of these items and it is amazing how much you have tatted (so much you forgot) I love them all and thanks for the reference for them too!


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