


Dear Reader,
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Tuesday 15 November 2016

on the edg-ing

Edgings are the only kind of edge where you can see me on! Right now, I'm going to do that extreme sport, that is tatting a round of flowers, but I still must try few options, if 64 flowers or less with different elements in between. The risk here is to be on it till next year, but extreme sports - as per definition - must involve speed, too!

Finally I got one picture with almost the right threads' hue:
Threads: green dmc 471 and  mauve dmc 3687. For center rings in flowers I'm using lizbeth 131.

In the next picture there's a pair of earrings in which I tried another combination of split rings and wide monster's picots. The pattern starts at the bottom and finishes at the "fish hook", also called "french hook". I like this type of earrings' hooks, we call them "monachella" (I can't see any relations with nuns, though!!), but I've lost so many earrings so it's been a while that I started putting a soft rubber back stopper.

My favourite earrings? Dewdrop Earrings by Jane McLellan (


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  1. I think that edge is a marathon, not a sprint! Thank you for your kind words about my earring pattern. I am flattered. I still have those wide picots on my to-do list. I love how the earrings use the technique, very pretty.

  2. I love you doily and this round is so very interesting shows off your tatting skills love the earrings too💟🌹💟

  3. Well, your tatting skills & creativity make us sit at the edge of our seats, always :-D
    Love the doily and it's negative space designs.
    I have 2 of Jane's earrings on my to-tat list! Still :-(

  4. Gorgeous doily!!!! :)
    Fabulous earrings!! :)

  5. Serwetka pięknie rośnie. Jestem ciekawa kolejnych okrążeń. Kolczyki urocze.

  6. Lovely mat and beautiful tatting,
    Lovely earrings, great pattern


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