

Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Monday 3 March 2014

got into a mess

I've started another edging, the third. Oh yes, I've already 2 started, one is for the hanky in the last post (my mum likes the variegated green) and the second I'm quite sure it will be usefull a day, I'm going to finish both. I should draw both patterns in a bit clearer way than that doodle done with a pencil - a mess. There's also the third pattern, it's not written at all! Sorry, I'm not an organized kind of tatter (I think I've already said this), I've no lists for things to do, nothing that I've started has a planned end date, I've a lot of doodles and about the same amount of started inkscape's files... Usually I'm not in a hurry, but now I've to prepare a gift for a friend and it seems that I've nothing ready. Could be one of these butterflies framed for a special gift? Otherwise I could tat for her that last edging. What do you think about a black hanky? Do you think that is elegant or it's gone out of style?

I've another story to tell you: two weeks ago I bought a loose ball of pure silk, made in Calabria (south of Italy), it's not coloured and needs to be boiled with washing soap, then rinsed with vinegar to become white. But! I spent two days unwinding half of the spool (I bought it in common with a friend), then I had needed to make again a loose spool because I should boil it. Then, I don't know how it happened, I had to untie a bunch of knots... In the picture you see just the moment I was going to throw the ball outside the window... No, I didn't, but the silk it's not yet ready to be tatted. I hope I can try it soon, fingers crossed (not the thread, yup!).

Ho cominciato un terzo bordino. Si si, ne ho due già cominciati, uno per il fazzolettino ( a mia mamma piace quello col verde sfumato) e il secondo prima o poi mi tornerà utile, quindi li finirò entrambi. Dovrei scrivere meglio gli schemini, adesso sono scarabocchi a matita - un pasticcio. E poi ci sta il terzo schemino, che non ho appuntato da nessuna parte! Scusate, non sono per niente ordinata (forse l'ho già detto), non ho liste ne' scadenze, un mucchio di disegnini sparsi e altrettanti file sul pc iniziati con Inkscape (il software che uso per disegnare)... Di solito non ho fretta, ma adesso mi serve un bel regalino per un'amica. Cosa fare? Porto dal corniciaio una di queste farfalline? Oppure il terzo bordino potrebbe andare bene. Che dite? Un fazzolettino nero è elegante oppure fuori moda?

Vi voglio raccontare un'altra storia: 2 settimane fa ho comprato a metà con un'amica una matassa di seta fatta in Calabria, grezza, si deve bollire col sapone a pezzi e poi sciacquare con aceto - dovrebbe diventare bianca. Ho perso due giorni a sbrogliare metà matassa e poi ho dovuto riavvolgerla per poterla bollire. A un certo punto, non so come, si è imbrogliato tutto, un groviglio di nodi mi ha fatto quasi perdere la pazienza... Poi, invece di buttare tutto dalla finestra, ho risolto, ma ancora non la posso lavorare. Spero di provarci presto, incrociamo le dita (non il filo, però!).



  1. That edging is absolutely gorgeous!!! :)
    I hope you have your silk untangled soon and without too much frustration! :)

  2. Argggghhhhh! That is a disturbing photo! Hope you got it all sorted out!
    Fox : ))

  3. Butterfly would make a great gift! Hope you got your silk untangled!

  4. Your edging looks beautiful, and good luck for your silk!

  5. Incrocio anch'io le dita per te!

  6. Oh my goodness, I'm glad you didn't throw the silk out, but I can see how tempting that idea must've been! Edging looks great.


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
