

Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

my card is a shuttle

Last july, I needed at hand cards to introduce me, but also something to fast demonstrating how to tat. I thought to combine both in that card shuttle, in fact I used it folded and wound with shoelaces. I gave away one of such "shuttle" and a shoelace to everyone who have tried tatting with me!
Il mio bigliettino da visita "è" una navetta! Lo scorso luglio avevo bisogno sia di un bigliettino di presentazione, sia di qualcosa per mostrare come si lavora a chiacchierino. Così ho pensato di unire le due cose ed è venuto fuori questo: un cartoncino con un laccio di scarpe arrotolato, da regalare a chiunque volesse provare il chiacchierino con me!


  1. Bene!! Benvenuto!

    Yes indeed, Ninetta, welcome to Blogland. I cannot wait to see more of your fabulous creations!
    Fox xxoo : ))

  2. Benvenuta nel mondo del blog!

  3. Hi just popped over from Fox's blog, Welcome to the world of blogging.
    It's a nice idea not tried tatting with a card, and I love your card. Great idea.

  4. Thank you all! You are welcome!

  5. The card as a shuttle thing is really cool! What a great, practical idea! Welcome to the blog world! (Also, your new doily looks fun! I am especially eying the large picots!)

  6. Congratulations on your new blog! I immediately added it to the list of blogs I'm following. :-)


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
