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Saturday, 27 June 2015

solution or pollution?

Hand-made tatting pollution, I mean, with a massive help by scissors - but eventually the solution came...

I loved Muskaan's saga on curled rings: every curled ring alternative has been unfolded (part of which ignored by the designer herself) and intriguing hypothesis rolled out.

She mentioned that a curled ring must be sized to be curled, she's right, in fact a ring smaller than 20ds it'd be difficult to fold. But the "why-not" question, about how to curl little 6-6 rings, was intriguing.

I've played around little rings without a clear direction or pattern in mind, it seemed they were really too little to be folded.

And the "what-if" actually came from tatting with beads, how they can be placed in the thread round the hand and trapped at the base of a ring.

A lot of trials and errors this time! But if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. Even Lizbeth teased me! They 've made a weaver's knot in one strand... (thread is size 80, Lizbeth colour 122 and yellow dmc colour 744) Sigh! Anyway it's a tatting game, I love it.

I only have to hide and cut ends and it's finished.

So, I'm happy with my new bookmark-of-the-month and with the 3D curled effect too. What can I do, I can't help producing tatting pollution...


P.S. I tested my new celtic tatting shuttles but it's been wasted more of size 80 thread. The thin shuttle is not so thin to pass even through a 32ds ring. It asked for a second attempt with thicker thread. Solution or pollution again?


  1. Perfectly profound and perplexing petals! You gave done it once again; created something unique and beautiful. Brava! Beauteous bookmark. : )

    1. Ty so much! Too kind of you. (Thanks for the new word "beauteous")

  2. Wow, well done for all that experimenting! The resulting bookmark is lovely and truly unique.

  3. Sometimes the path of creativity is twisted. Love the bookmark.

  4. Very Clever indeed !!!
    Fantastic bookmark & the process to overcome the Ys & Y knots is even more fascinating :-)

    As for pollution, behind every creative endeavour, there is chaos. Yet, I believe tatters ( their very name describes it all ! ), are Very environment-friendly. They don't use up much material, their threads are all organic & biodegradable, and some are ingenious enough to put even that tiny waste to good use (bowls, nests, collages, doodads, .... ;-P) .
    Ergo, if Solution = Pollution, then Pollution = Solution ;-D

  5. Thank you very much everyone

  6. Love it love it love it love it !!!

  7. Sorry I missed some of your blog being away,
    Beautiful bookmark I really love this pattern, will you by any chance sharing it.

    1. Thank you Margaret. Yes, maybe, by any chance...

  8. That is a very beautiful bookmark, and I am sure would be an awesome bracelet too!!


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
