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Monday, 21 September 2015

ready to be sewed

I managed to sew all ends in the Priscilla's edging. Now it has to be washed (sigh!) and ironed, then I will keep it away for a long time, for the first of my sons that would like using it as wedding rings' pillow... Too early now: they are 13 and 17yo! I love it and I'm planning to start the other one at page 8, fig.23 of the same Priscilla Tatting book #1. I still have some thread left on the dmc size 100 ball.

To hide all ends I used the classic method of the needle.
I put the needle (very thin, in the picot and needle gauge it seems a size 8) under the head of 4 or 5 double stitches, then I cut the tail a little far from the last one, in the picture you see it's almost the size of that picot. The thread it's so thin that the sewing is invisible, even from the front, but I prefer leave all this "dirty" work at the end, so I can't be wrong sewing all ends on the same side of the work.
Here it is a drawing. I sew threads in the opposite direction, colours permitting. That is the thread coming from the ring will go sewed on the chain and vice versa.

Then I started again the wheel, playing with colours. But this time I used everywhere the magic thread method. I feel dumb that I didn't thought to this method while I was tatting the edging!

The green ring in the center is tatted separately. You may like re-reading this: (Thank you Mrs Jane!)

The second round is tatted with 2 shuttles, in this way:

With the light pink I started a ring: 1ds, a picot 1/8" long, 5ds, join to the one picot of the center, added the second purple thread hiding it along the core thread, 6ds.

Leave a bare thread of the purple - I left about 1/8" - then tat a "large" ring 4-2-2-2-2-2-4. Before closing, I passed the other shuttle inside the loop as I was tatting a first half ds. Close the ring.

Leave a bare thread of the pink - I left about 1/8" - then tat a "small" ring 6+6, joining to the next picot of the center ring. Before closing, pass the shuttle with the purple inside the loop with the same movement of the first half of a ds. Close.

Alternate small and large rings, pink and purple, then at the end I joined the pink picot with a LJ, then started the last large ring, hiding the pink along the core thread. Before the last 6 ds, I put the auxiliary thread for the magic trick and had no ends to sew in!


I'd like showing you two big chandeliers I saw in Venezia: on the left there is one placed in Museo Correr, XVIII century, in perfect style of Murano.
On the right there is one among many found into Teatro La Fenice, it was destroyed by fire in 1996, completely rebuilt and reopened in 2003, those chandeliers are copies of the originals.



  1. Love your tatting, and I hide ends like you but have to do them as I go, because they get mix into my tatting and slows me down. The chandeliers are beautiful and some maybe all (crystal) if you are real quiet, you can here them make a tinkling noise

  2. Quite a job to hide the ends in such fine work. I like the colour version too.

  3. Very interesting way to work the 2 colours in an all-rings pattern with bare threads ! And you get a double picot effect - icing on the cake :-)))
    It also reminds me of something Judith Connors mentioned in another connection & could probably be tried here - when you post the shuttle, you could actually tat the last half stitch encapsulating the 2nd shuttle thread within; then close ring .... See how it works (it may eliminate the coloured line at base of ring?) ...

    And you use a kind of whip stitch to sew in the ends ! I think this will be easier for me to do :-)
    Thanks for another lovely & helpful post. Brilliant like the chandeliers ;-D


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
