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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

a pattern under the tree

UPDATE (May 2020): this angel has a name! Thanks to some Facebook's friends, especially to Emanuela Ranieri.
Her name is "Ariel"

It's worked with 2 shuttles, filled with two threads, pink 100% pure silk (seta Faro n.3) and DMC n.283 silver metallic thread (3 strands). That resulted about a size 10 thickness, but I've used the same pattern with a size 70 cotton thread.

The dress start from the neck, all external rings and split rings have a picot, tatting proceeds in a "S" wave, swapping first and second shuttle. Don't cut ends but leave a long tails in both. I left 20cm.
(post edited to update this picture with a better quality image)
Better a summary?

Wings are tatted separately:
Cut and tie the ends. Start the second wing, connecting the first row to the other wing.

The dress is closed in the back, using the long ends. How many ways to lace up your shoes? That's mine!

But there's the wings, so BEFORE the second last fastening, join wings in two points, as showed by those arrows: untie (not showed in the picture) join the bottom part of wings, then tie the second last picots, then join the middle picot of wings, then tie the last picots of the dress.
That's the result:
Then, to keep the "head" in the middle, I took one of the ends and passed through the central picot of the neck:

That's now the time for the head. I inserted both ends in a wooden bead, then added a sort of aureole as a little ring, 10 picots separated by 1ds, leaving a tail of about 10cm. I've inserted that tail from up to down, inside the head and the dress, joined a transparent plastic bead and anchored head and bead with a couple of knots. I passed inside the little ring the long tail coming from the dress.
That's where you may want to add a weight (a heavy bead) or a jingly bell charm!

Here it is, standing up and also dangling from my hand:

Buon Natale! Merry Christmas!
I'll be back with the new year. Happy holidays!


  1. Thank you! It goes on my to-do list. Best wishes to you and your family.

  2. Thank you fir the pattern, I love her,
    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy new year

  3. Grazie Ninneta, Buon Compleanno!

  4. Thanks for the pattern. Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  5. Beautiful
    I wish you merry Christmas and happy New 2016 YEAR

  6. Adorable angel! Thanks for sharing the pattern and tutorial . I will have to find time to tat one for our tree . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .

  7. Some how I missed this little angel. she is beautiful!

  8. Piękny aniołek dziękuję za tak dokladny opis ,ja dopiero początkująca frywolitki , pozdrawiam i życzę błogosławionych Świąt, będę próbowała zrobić może mi się uda

  9. Děkuji mám hotové 3 tyto anděl

    1. ooh! This makes me very happy 😊 Thank you Adina!!!


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
