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Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Pattern for the pendant with zoliduo beads

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That's a treat for you... There aren't treble stitches in this pattern, but you know that has been a real challenge for me resisting the trick 😉 and to do not change anything respect the original pendant shown here:

Thread is Finca metallic gold colour 0006 n.2/C, doubled (that is, shuttles are wound with 2 strands of Finca thread, it is almost like a size 20 thread), zoliduo 5x8mm beads matte metallic lava red (3 left and 3 right beads), one swarovski pearl 6mm, rocaille miyuki 15/0 galvanized dark mauve (4213).
You'll need 2 clips (or 2 safety pins).
SH1 = first (or core) shuttle; about 1 meter of thread.
SH2 = second (or ball) shuttle; about 2 meters of thread.
The 2 shuttles are wound CTM.
LJ = lock (shuttle) join
AJ = alligator join (that is, pass the SH1 thread over and the SH2 thread under the work before the next stitch)
LP means long picot. A gauge is needed, 5mm.
Numbers in this textual pattern are double stitches.
+ means normal upper join.
fhs = first half double stitch
shs = second half double stitch

Symbols for beads:
b = rocaille miyuki 15/0
B = swarovski pearl 6mm
Zr =  zoliduo 5x8mm right beads
Zl =  zoliduo 5x8mm left beads

This is a basic pattern, only rings and chains, for only one pendant. If you like adding a tatted lanyard, for wearing it as a necklace, that is left to your creativity.

Symbols are the same that I found in this page by Nina Libin (Beaded Earrings):

: = one bead 'up' (on the picot) one 'down' (on the shuttle thread)

Plus these symbols:
Bb* = 8 b beads 'up' (on the picot) one B bead 'down' (on the shuttle thread)
·:· = 3 beads 'up' (on the picot) one bead 'down' (on the shuttle thread)

Please remember (from the same page by Nina Libin):

How to load beads:
Wind SH2 shuttle with 3 and half meters (just a little more than required) and unwind about 1 meter, then load beads (after that, you'll load the one meter in SH1 shuttle). Load beads in this order:
  • 71 b 
  • 10 b
  • 3 Zr (through the hole in narrow front side)
  • 1 B
  • 3 Zl (through the hole in narrow front side)
  • 35 b

Wound SH1 with the thread you had unwound and divide beads: all first 71 b must go on the SH2, then the rest on SH1. That is, you must have 10 b in SH1 as first beads, when SH1 thread will be wound.

Start with a clip (or a safety pin) and the first element to be tatted is a chain.
Chain 5 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 Zr 1 Zr 1 Zr 2 Bb* 2 Zl 1 Zl 1 Zl 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : fhs AJ (after the first 6 pairs of b beads) shs : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 5 Reverse work;

Ring 6 LP 3;  Reverse work;
Chain  2 : 1 ·:· 1 : 2;  Reverse work;
Ring 3 + 1 LP 3; (join grabbing the long picot passed through the second hole of the zoliduo left bead on the first long chain)  Reverse work;
Chain  2 : 1 : 1 ·:· 1 : 1 : 2;  Reverse work;
Ring 3 + 1 LP 3; (join grabbing the long picot through the second hole of the zoliduo left bead on the first long chain)  Reverse work;
Chain  2 : 1 ·:· 1 : 2; LJ to the long picot passed through the second hole of the zoliduo left bead on the first long chain; (do not reverse work)
Chain  2 : 1 ·:· 1 : 2; LP with the shuttle core thread (block it with a clip or pin, passing the LP through the second hole of the zoliduo right bead on the first long chain); (do not reverse work)
Chain  2 : 1 ·:· 1 : 2;  Reverse work;
Ring 3 + 1 LP 3; (join grabbing the long picot blocked through the second hole of the zoliduo right bead on the first long chain)  Reverse work;
Chain  2 : 1 : 1 ·:· 1 : 1 : 2;  Reverse work;
Ring 3 + 1 LP 3; (remove the clip and join grabbing the long picot passed through the second hole of the zoliduo right bead on the first long chain)  Reverse work;
Chain  2 : 1 ·:· 1 : 2;  Reverse work;
Ring 3 + 6; (join grabbing the long picot passed through the second hole of the zoliduo right bead on the first long chain).
Remove the very first clip and join work to the starting point. Cut and tie and hide threads.

Happy tatting.

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Do you remember that I've been learning the embroidered netting lace? The ladies from Bosa, maestre of their Sardinian filèt called  “SU LÀURU 'OSINCU”, came again last week. I'm very slow with this work, I'm still on the same net started last year, but I always learn something new, every time they come here. That is a pic of the net just today:
and a close up:



  1. Fabulous pendant!!! Thank you for sharing your pattern!!!
    Your netting lace is gorgeous!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comment 🌹

  2. Woo hoo!!! Such a lovely gift, and it's not even my bday ;) Thank you so much for sharing the pattern for the pendant. I'll give it a try very soon
    Your netting lace is amazing! I've never tried this technique. It looks like it requires a lot of skills and patience!

  3. Lovely! Now I desperately want beads of this shape and want to make this, such a cute.

  4. Your netting lace is amazing Ninetta. Thanks for the pattern.

  5. Thank you all for your nice comments! Happy tatting! 👍⚘

  6. Beautiful pattern. Thank you for sharing it


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
