

Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Friday, 27 January 2017

ideas from scraps

I'm sorry I've been neglecting my blog, lately. Before I start talking about scraps, here it is the measure - as promised - of the doily I've just finished:
and that is the same doily and Wiosna2016 side by side, just for get the idea of the size.

I've something else that came again in the spotlight this week, that is about the snowflake with bugle beads "sbrilluccicante", it has just been shared in the Online Tatting Class, with a video-tutorial, too.  Thank you so much to Georgia Seitz and all. Have you heard that they are collecting donations via yotube videos? Read more on their website: .
I'd like sharing with you two versions, the first has longer beads than in the first one, so I had to add ds in the outer round:
The second one is with 2 colors' beads, one shuttle was loaded with one color, the second shuttle was loaded with the second color:
Long post, I see.
Let's go on, please.

I started the edging that had been on my to-do-list for ages: that one that is at page 8 in fig. 23 in Priscilla #1, I'm using white dmc size 100 thread.

The book is here:

I changed the length of bare threads, they are all 0.5cm, also picots are the same size high. It's quite different from the original but I like it this way, more regular.

my plastic gauge
Maybe someone remembers that I tested the wheel motif in October, 3 months ago! please don't ask what happened then, time flies so fast that I can't answer.

Per Priscilla's words: "Make 40 of these wheels for the border, joining them as seen in the illustration." The picture in the pdf is quite blurry, I think. I copied it and played a little with Serif software, and I obtained the pic already shared with you:
Looking at this kind vintage tatting, I can't help myself thinking that "tatting" is a word that also translates with the italian word "brandello", that is something made with shreds, scraps, and this also reminds me of old ladies who can't throw away anything even bits of thread, that couldn't go wasted!

More than a century later from that picture, I tatted 5 wheels to visualise how big the edging is, and I think that 6 wheels in each corner would be good for a rings' pillow. 24 wheels instead of 40, split rings and modern technologies! good enough for me! 😊😊 Motifs are not yet joined, I only put them close each other to see where the joins should be.
But at first glance, it looked crowded, too many picots, my personal taste. I'd rather prefer something quite easy to iron, isn't it?

...those motifs will soon become tatting scarps, but the idea came to me. I'll show you in next post (I hope).

I'll keep my scraps, I always keep them. Since I've had a notebook, it has been stuffed with scraps, then when I think I'm having that "tatter's block", I look into my notebook and there's always something that can be rescued. A lot of ideas comes from scraps.

In the meanwhile, I found that variegated thread, already wound on the shuttle. A bird told me that it can be a butterfly, so it's time to Tat It And See if it flies ...


  1. It's very sensible to use modern techniques to update vintage patterns. I look forward to seeing the final edging after all your figuring! Great that your pattern is being used for a class, congratulations.

    1. Thank you dear, I'm so happy that the snowflake was used and I had a lot of fun tatting it and making the video

  2. Interesting post, it's nice to visit vintage patterns and bring them up to date, I look forward to seeing what you do with it and your edging in time.
    What an honour for your beautiful snowflake to be used in a class.

  3. Such beautiful tatting to see!!! The doilies are both gorgeous!!!
    Love the bugle bead snowflakes!!!
    Great "wheels"!!
    Can't wait to see your butterfly!!

  4. All very exciting ! Scraps are never scrappy, though old ladies like us may be ;-P
    One theory is that tatting was made by the maids and lower strata from scraps and bits of cheap thread or leftovers from their mistress' fine lacework, since they could not afford fancy threads and lace. Hence the name 'tatting' from 'tatters'.

    1. Intersting, I'm inclined to believe in that theory. I've read that here in Italy the production of thin size 60 cotton started around 1838, I think all around the world they were looking how to use it

  5. Forgot to add that I had strung the bugle beads last night, and they measure 5mm. So, I believe the stitchcount in this post will work better ?

    1. Thank you for trying the snowflake. You should try what works for you, my tatting is tight.

  6. I am grateful for her books and pictures, but secretly wish they had diagrammed drawings then all languages could understand just a bit more. Even if you speak English we don't use the word the same way as old times. I hope I was able to help a little putting my thoughts on paper is not that easy for me I try. I looking forward to see what you end up doing


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
