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Tuesday, 26 September 2017


When working with bugle beads, a very important thing  to remember is to look carefully at edges and discard broken beads, the sharp edge can break the thread. In that unfortunate case, a radiant tatting day could turn to autumn...

Bugle beads for this pattern are 6mm. Thread is Finca light gold (Hilo Metalizado, 1000mts, Presencia Hilaturas), double strand, 35% Polyester and 65% Viscose. I wound together two strands in two shuttles CTM. Thirty-six bugle beads have been loaded in one shuttle, the centre starts with the other shuttle without beads, then I climbed up with a split ring and the shuttle with beads is used as the core thread.

Centre:  Ring 4-4 repeat five times, SR 4/4
Round1: (mock picot) 1ds, slide one BugleBead from the core shuttle, 1ds, lock join, repeat six times
Round2: 2ds, BugleBead, 2ds, lock join, repeat six times
Round3: 3ds, BugleBead, 3ds, lock join, repeat six times
Round4: 4ds, BugleBead, 4ds, lock join, repeat six times
Round5: 5ds, BugleBead, 5ds, lock join, repeat six times
Round6: 6ds, BugleBead, 6ds, lock join, repeat six times
climb up with a SR:8/8, *[Chain 8-8, Ring 8+8 (join over the lock join of round6), Chain 8-8; Ring 8+8 (join same place of previous ring)]repeat five times from *, then Chain 8-8, Ring 8+8 (join same place of first split ring), Split chain 8/8 (joining the start of first chain of this round)
climb up with a SR:6-6, *[Chain 12ds, lock join to picot in chain of previous round7(chain aligned with beads), 12ds; Ring 6+6 (join to picot in chain between rings of previous round7 ), Chain 16ds; Ring 6+6 (join same place of previous ring)]repeat five times from *, then Chain 12ds, lock join to picot in chain of previous round7(chain aligned with beads), 12ds; Ring 6+6 (join to picot in chain between rings of previous round7 ), Chain 16ds, tie and cut.


What do you call them? Wheels or snowflakes?

In Italian bugle-beads are called "baguette" or "tubicini".

P.S. Eye-candy: there's a page for Palmetto's Tat Days 2013, with a beautiful collection of tatting (but without patterns), one of those is a bird, the beak is made with two bugle beads, that's clever isn't it? here's the link:

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  1. I love this and your bead work is exceptional your pattern design is always fantastic. I do struggle with this type of beads and thread breakage is my huge problem, thanks for the tip! and pattern!

  2. I agree with Carollyn about your designing!!!
    There's a whirlpool effect with the concentrically laid bugles ! Radiant :-)))

  3. Wow,Ninetta, I love your wheels. Thanks for the pattern, I'll try that when I've done my magic square.

    1. Oh thank you so much Jane, I think I'll tat it again with a size 20 cotton thread, that should be fine in place of the metallic thread. I'll tell you.

  4. What a lovely pattern!!! Thank you so much for sharing it

  5. I don't know whether to call them wheels or snowflakes, but whatever you call them, they are beautiful! Thank you for sharing the pattern AND the tips for working with bugle beads.

  6. Innovative idea working with bugle beads this way!!! Awesome!!!

  7. I'm calling them sbrilluciccanti! (Or at least gorgeous!). This has to be next on my list! Thank you!

  8. Another tip for using bugle beads: using a seed bead at each end of the bugle bead will help stop thread breakage. Your design is gorgeous!

  9. Piękny wzór. Gwiazdka jest niesamowita. Dziękuę bardzo za instrukcję.

  10. They are fabulous, what a great way to use bugle beads. Really must try this pattern, thank you

    1. Thank you Sally! I've tatted again with size 20 cotton, same pattern, it's good for me, I'll put a picture in next post.

  11. Beautiful wheel patterns!I love them. Thanks for sharing Ninetta. Bugle beads giving wonderful effect to the medallion. A must try for me.

    1. Thank you Usha, I'd love to see your version.

  12. Unique and very beautiful!

  13. Beautiful I am going to try this pattern

  14. Love how the positioning of the buggle beads create interest in the design. Well done. Thank you for sharing your pattern.


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
