

Dear Reader,
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Sunday, 10 October 2021

a personal touch

It’s always a pleasure when you get to know another tatter, even if only in “the virtual life”. 

I “met” Maria Grazia in the Facebook group “Chiacchierino: Filo Amore e Fantasia”, discovering her tatting, in which she never fails to add her personal touch. She helped us in the Endrucks 1920 Project, with the pattern n.43 and created a parure from it. She was among the first group of volunteers, in fact her first sample arrived very soon, in November 2020 (Gosh! Almost one year has already gone! And the great news is that almost all patterns have been modernised or are in the final stages of presentation). Then, a couple months later, her necklace and the earrings arrived.

Here I’d like to introduce her with her own words, in the way she shared them last February, in our FB group, along with some pics of her tatting:

Mi presento con qualche lavoro: ho 64 anni. Ho imparato il chiacchierino a navetta in prima media durante l'ora di applicazioni tecniche. Negli anni ho realizzato pizzi e centrini ma solo negli ultimi anni, grazie a fb, ho scoperto quante altre cose meravigliose si possono realizzare, anche se molte non sono alla mia portata.
Per chi lo volesse sono disponibile ad insegnare quel poco che so.

I introduce myself with some of my tatting. I am 64 years old. I learned shuttle tatting in 6th grade, during the so called “Applicazioni tecniche” class (we used to practice many handicrafts in that class). Over the years I have made edgings and doilies, but it is only in recent years, thanks to fb, that I have discovered how many other wonderful things can be made, even if many are not within my reach.
For those who wish to learn, I am available to teach the little I know.

She’s very humble but actually very talented, as you can see from just these few pictures:

From her photos, we understand that she knows many techniques, but she confided to me that only with Endrucks she has learned what Block Tatting is. In fact, in her modified version of the pattern, chains are faced opposite direction and not the same direction as in block tatting. But we love it, any which way!

My little contribution to this pattern was to draw the visual pattern, for which Maria Grazia had sent me a pencil drawing and her notes. I played with it last January, adding my own touch and then shared my experience here:

In the last weeks I worked at it again and included the visual pattern in a pdf document, that now is available for everybody to try: 

Pattern (original and modified):

If you like the diagram only, it’s in my albums in Flickr, here:  

I enjoyed this pattern and send many thanks to Maria Grazia for inspiring us to adapt it into a lovely necklace! Muskaan joins me in thanking her!


I cannot end this post without mentioning the “Strawberry Doodle” derivative motif by Patty Dowden. That’s a great example of her personal touch! Many many thanks to Mrs. Dowden for this very inspiring motif!

This talented tatter doesn’t need my introduction, being very well known. I absolutely love how she reproduced in tatting the corals of the Barrier Reef. The technique that she created (I think in 2008) is called "hyperbolic tatting".
Here it is a link to her tutorial, it is a revised pdf (version 2) from 2011, listed in Jane McLellan’s blog (thanks to Muskaan who helped me find it) -
Her work is on display in the Denver (CO) Museum of Art.


This is a community project, we welcome every one of you to join in! Please let us know where we can find your renditions and derivative tatting!

We created the hashtag #Endrucks1920Project, so please use it!

We all enjoy sharing and the project is awaiting every one of you!

All info and links are in the Endrucks 1920 Project Document, here:

Ninetta & Muskaan


  1. Maria work is so lovely! I saw the album she posted in the Chia... group (so sad it is not in her own FB page otherwise everybody could've seen the range of her work! But then this me the motivation to join the talented Italian group )
    Thank you so much, Maria, for taking the pattern to a whole new level 💖
    I miss Patty Dowden - her creativity and generosity is boundless!

  2. I love how your project has introduced me to tatters whose work I haven’t seen before. Thank you.

  3. Very beautiful work by these tatters!!

  4. She is a lovely tatter and her work is beautiful, this project has certainly introduced a lot of different technics to tatting


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
