

Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

join to the smooth side

I'm sorry that I've nothing new here, I'm still tatting the last two rounds of Wiosna2017 designed by Renulek, you can find the pattern in her blog (Frywolitki, Tatting, Chiacchierino).

It's running smooth, her patterns are always a pleasure to tat, thank you very much for the fun Renata! There's another fun in this kind of patterns, the fact that you feel free to relax and tat the way you like. I think I could share how I'm tatting the last round. I've seen in the net that each of us have their favourite method to tat the pointed element in the last round and I like a lot looking at your tatting. Also, that makes me reflect how many different ways there are, to have such a slightly similar result.

So here it is my tip for the tip 😉 : the JSS

The JSS is the Anne Dyer's join, "join to the smooth side", there's a video by Karen Cabrera:

First of all, I'm tatting the last and second last rounds together, like in my previous post here:

I'm tatting counterclockwise, chains are worked with unflipped stitches, in reverse order (second half first). Round 12 has been tatted with the plastic yellow shuttles showed in pictures, except one ring, then round 13 with the light blue shuttles.

So, also the JSS has to be done in reverse.

Descriptions are added below pics. Please note that what I've tatted it isn't an onion ring.
(I've added a picot in the chain to add stability, that's the only change I did in the stitches' count, so the chain is 10-2 before the central ring, then after it is 2+10)

That is the pointed element: both rings tatted close together, without reversing work. Then the chain starts with reverse stitches in reverse order.

Here it is the JSS: second half unflipped then with the crochet's hook I took the loop and passed it through the picot, then the light blue thread passed inside the loop that is the core shuttle, not the working shuttle with ecrù. Then I continued the chain.

Here it is the element finished, I took the light blue thread and made a lock join at the bare thread between those two rings.

Before I forget, there's another thing, about the little ring 2-2-1-2-2 that belong to round 12, that I've tatted with the core thread in light blue in round 13. I don't remember when I started, but it's been long time that I tat only the second half of a ds after each normal join. But in this case, the ring is so tiny that I'm tatting a complete double stitch in the centre, it looks more balanced in my opinion. OK you're right, I need a powerful kind of lens to distinguish, but the camera zoom helps indeed.
I went to Rome last week, and bought some fabrics that -I hope- will become a dress, if I'll be able to sew it! I was in Largo Argentina, it used to be a great place where finding any kind of fabric, I've nice memories of about 30-40 years ago with my mum and aunts, there were many fabric shops, great offers and wide choice. Now there's only one shop but with nice people and very good fabric, "Azienda Tessile Romana".
I've learnt that in that square, each year, they perform a historical reconstruction of the Ides of March, when Caesar was assassinated. (
There are many nice cats that took my attention.
Lately I went in L'Aquila, too. Not yet recovered from the earthquake in 2009, and the earth never sleeps 😟, but strong people try to make stand up that beautiful city again.
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  1. Interesting to see different ways of doing things! Yes, it was a wonderfully relaxed tat.

  2. Your doily is so beautiful!!!

  3. I love, love love you colors and this JSS is so interesting! Next time I'm in the Largo Argentina, I will wistfully look at your shop and then continue on with my students. We always go for the republican era temples, latrina and the cats!

  4. Smoooooooth !
    Nice tour, too :-)

  5. What an interesting post. Love how you did these last two rounds. I'm still considering what will happen on my last two. I've never been to Italy except through your posts. May Thanks

  6. Interesting post,
    Interesting the way you tatted the last rounds,
    Although I have been to Italy many times, but never to Roma, I am do glad they are managing to repair the earthquake damage, Italy has had a lot of earthquakes in recent years, and it will take years to repair all the damage, which is a pity some of the old buildings have so much history

  7. Molto interessante, come sempre!
    Grazie per condividere le tue esperienze e il tuo entusiasmo: imparare da te è sempre bello e stimolante!

    1. Grazie per il aver lasciato un commento


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
