

Dear Reader,
I share here what I like and what works for me. If you've been following me, you know that I can change my mind from time to time, and feel free to comment that I'm completely wrong, you may be right. I'm not running a business. I'm not paid and have never received any compensation or facilitation for any review/brand/site here mentioned. In case one day we'll ever meet, I'll be the one offering you a cup of Italian coffee, too.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

oops a snowflake

I've brushed up on my block tatting. That happened because I found that my printed copy of Jane Eborall's drawing was not up to date with the last one in her site. My copy was from 2007, while that online in her site is from 2013. That's my fault, of course. I follow her blog and I know well that she often updates her patterns and technique's pdf, that is a wonderful thing, at least if only all her students paid attention, oops, um...

I noticed that many tatters join rows of block tatting in a way similar to that explained in Julie Patterson's drawing (2006):
Me too, I use that. But sometime other ways are more useful or convenient, like the one I used in an edging, to have blocks in one colour and rings in another, it is showed here:

So, when I remembered my printed copy of the drawing by Jane Eborall (2007, amended in 2013: ), I had to try it again, to better look at the final result, comparing the two joining methods.

That is a great method of joining, I like it a lot and it also inspired me to offer you a new video.

Sorry dears, this time I wrote the video text in Italian. Another news is that I added an audio (music) to the video, please forgive me if you don't like it.

This is the link to the video in YouTube:
On the left the J.Patterson's way of joining rows, on the right J.Eborall's.


Christmas is coming fast, I had started tatting snowflake earlier this year but life (and tatting distractions) happens and now I have to catch up.

The one in the first picture from up top is a pattern of mine, modified from a square to a six pointed motif. The squared design is "fior di filèt", if you like the snowflake version I could share this pattern, too.

Thread is DMC Cordonnet Special B5200, size 80.
((((UPDATE: Pattern is in Flickr))))

The second snowflake I've tatted this week is designed by Jennifer Williams, you can find the pattern in her site, that is



  1. You are so, so clever! This makes so much sense now! Thank you for your time to make this video (wonderful music too)! I would love the pattern for your snowflake!

    1. thank you Michelle!
      ...The cleverness there relies on Mrs Jane's 🥰
      I'll do my best to share the ❄ pattern soon.

  2. Great snowflakes!! I love the top one!!

  3. Great way to display those pretty snowflakes. Always interesting how many different ways there are of doing things. Jane’s one looks neater than J Patterson ‘s, less loopy at the ends.

    1. thank you! Yes agree, they say "many roads to Rome" 🥰

  4. Your snowflake is absolutely gorgeous! It can also be the start of a doily!
    Don't know if you remember my block tatting trials in Nov 2016 that I posted on Craftree - I tried many different tutorials to compare the final effect.
    Then I repeated the trial in 2017, but none of it saw it to my blog, despite getting several permissions ;-P
    I should not be getting distracted so frequently ;-P
    Some methods work better with 2 colours.

    1. Dear, we both sure have the inclination to be easily distracted. Your tutorials are all helpful, it would be great to have all methods together in only one tutorial.


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
