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Tuesday 2 July 2024

cover doilies roundup 2

Continuing from previous post, roundup for the Jan 2023 Tat-Along in the Fb Endrucks group.

Muskaan and I tatted the cover doily too. I tatted the doily in one colour and shared my stepwise pics for where to climb out with split chains, etc., to avoid frequent cutting and hiding. Alongside, Muskaan tatted it in colours and in separate parts. In this way, in our good intentions, anybody in the group could have had the chance to follow either any of us or even switch from one to the other between rounds as they wished.

Including the two of us, we had a total of 34 participants (tatters who tatted at least Part1) and 30 doilies completed (plus 1 big version by Reiko)!!!

In the current and in previous posts there are pics of the finished doilies, by members listed alphabetically. In the next post I’ll show you the WIPs sent in.

Links to the pattern reworked by Reiko Akamatsu and to Parts 1 to 6 of the Tat-Along game are in previous post:


12. Michiko Ujihara - She showed us her WIP at the end of January, then she was silent for two months, but when she posted again in March she showed us a delicate brand new finished doily!

13. Muskaan - When she shared her version, she said: “Couldn't help myself, just too excited to show my finished peacock-inspired Endrucks' Cover Doily in 7 colours/shades.” No wonder her beautiful coloured pic had more than 70 reactions, all likes and hearts and wows! Read her blogpost here:

14. Ninetta - Yep, that’s me!

15. Nona Litzelman - In her sweet words: “Finally got it done! This was a very complex project and I enjoyed it immensely. Love seeing all the different versions…there are some very creative people in this group. Thanks for all the wonderful instructions.

16. Paola Bevilacqua - I’d like sharing with you her own words in Italian: “Non è stata proprio una passeggiata, però gli scogli bisogna superarli, un po' col ragionamento, un po' con l'intuizione. Questa è l'ennesima prova che il chiacchierino non è uno scherzo. C'è sempre da imparare, non è mai finita.  Grazie a Reiko, a Ninetta, a Muskaan.” Translation:- It wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but you have to overcome the obstacles, partly with the reasoning, partly with intuition. This is yet more proof that tatting is not a joke. There is always more to learn, it's never over. Thanks to Reiko, Ninetta, Muskaan.

17. Paola Emilia Rotuletti - She posted in mid-February, writing “slowly, slowly with a thousand interruptions and a thousand defects I finished it, with the intention of doing it again” - That’s a promise, isn’t it? Best wishes to her, hope she has many doilies planned!

18. Reiko Akamatsu - She joined us tatting two more versions. She had already tatted 2 doilies when she prepared the pdf in 2021. See her 2 previous versions here -

And also she tatted one new big version! Amazing!

19. Riva Nudelman - She often joins our games, with her colourful tatting. She said of her doily: “not perfect but having a great time and a learning experience”. 

20. Roberta Porati - Despite she hurt a finger, she finished her doily with great determination and enthusiasm, she persevered and also learned new techniques along the way.

21. Silvana Buonvino - She’s one of the most active tatters in the group. If I understood well, she touched on a possible second doily… hope we’ll see it, sooner or later…

22. Stella Marina - How nice when members share their thoughts! She said: “A little crooked a little patched up, at least I managed to complete it! The next one I have to make it perfect! Thank you very much Ninetta Caruso Muskaan and Reiko. This doily for me represents life: sometimes difficult, other times smooth but always challenging… and full of colours, I bet you have a good laugh at this reflection of mine ahh” - Absolutely agree with Stella, life is colourful! That’s great, we are expecting a second doily from her, too! 

23. Vani Kattoju - She’s self-critical but she’s a creative tatter indeed, and always ready to play with us!

… and the list is not finished yet!
Ciao, Ninetta


  1. Amazing. Especially the big one, multiplying the triangle, so clever.

    1. Thank you, absolutely they are all beautiful 😍

  2. While I couldn't tat it continuously, it was great fun to be able to play with colours, LOL.
    These versions are all so beautiful and the colour palette highlights different aspects of the design!
    Reiko is a master at adapting any pattern into something unique!

  3. Every single one is awesome and inspiring!!! :)


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
