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Thursday 4 July 2024

cover doilies roundup 3

Continuing from previous post, roundup for the Jan 2023 Tat-Along in the Fb Endrucks group.

The journey wasn’t easy: some tatters ran and helped others, some tatters went at a slower pace but eventually made it. Very few tatters decided to stop at a certain part or (perhaps) didn’t share their finished doily. In any case we would like to sincerely thank all participants for the time, enthusiasm and great motivation they put in our TAL, we are especially proud of some tatters that showed us a terrific improvement. We all have had our ups and downs but also learning how to overcome has been a great satisfaction! And thanks very much for the beautiful moments of lightness that we spend together!

In this post there are pics of the last work-in-progress sent in, by tatters listed alphabetically. In the two previous posts you find the finished dolilies.

Links to the pattern reworked by Reiko Akamatsu and to Parts 1 to 6 of the Tat-Along game are in the following post:


24. Afra Pozzato – She stopped at Part 4, but I think that it was a very critique moment for any participant, because she wasn’t the only one that got stuck at the same stage. Her last pic is from 8th March 2023

25. Daniela Bogacka – Her last pic is from 1st April 2023 and she was still optimistic to finish it, but we are still waiting for her completed doily pic.

26. Hanneke Holt - Her last pic is from 19th Jan 2023, the doily looks fantastic and almost done, but we cannot say if she finished it or not, she hasn’t shared any other pic.

27. Jiamrat Supapol - Her last post is from 12th Jan 2023 and it seemed she was really running to finish it, but we had no news after then.

28. Julie Myers - She surprised us tatting a squared version. She said “I am hoping it will look like 4 baskets of flowers“. Her last post is from 21stJan 2023, where she shared her designing setbacks: “Well, set 4 is done. As I was laying it out last night I realized I had done the last tentacle in the wrong spot. I decided at 11:30 at night was not the time to be fixing it, so I cut the chain and backed things out to where I could do the repair in the morning. Hiding the ends was a trick, and tying in new threads took a few minutes because one end was very short. Now to plan out how to do the gap sections.
Fingers crossed, her doily is still a WIP and not a UFO!

29. Maureen Lawrence – Her last pic was posted under the “Welcome Post” of 2nd May 2023. She wrote:  “Slowly getting there! This is the attempt I didn’t throw away. I am enjoying it, and learning how to handle the joins on the second side of the floating chains. But I simply haven’t had time to tat, there are so many requests for knitting that I can pick it up only in the odd minute here and there. Four grandchildren who live in very cold parts of the country need to be warm so that’s what I do. There has been a new baby who arrived in our family as well, and he needed a shawl. I will complete this, but not this week.” Then, many wishes to all her little family members, of course the doily can wait!

30. Pam Hemenway – On 7th Jan 2023 she had a speedy start and needle tatted Part 1, then no more pics from her.

31. Romana Stelmach – Her last pic is from 8th Jan 2023 (only as a comment in her previous post), and she shared her tip with us: “First time I'm taking part in this challenge, first attempt was with too thin thread, I think. Second attempt with Lizbeth 20 and  it's looking much better. I changed the tension in last row,  usually I tat very tight, but for this pattern that was a reason for the centre not being flat in first attempt. So I recommend to tat 3rd row a bit looser then usual and its nice and flat

32. Ruth Palsson - She joined the TAL at its very start but this is what she said: “Here is my round one. The left hand one, with beads, is a SCMR. For that one, I messed up the mock picot! I flipped the first stitch.  I put my phone on it to flatten it and smashed one of the beads! It’s called improvising blocking! […] The right hand one is a normal ring and  I made the mock picot properly. I didn’t tighten the final chain properly. They will both look better for a proper block!! Lizbeth #20 shade 161
I am not doing the rest of the doily because I do not like it. I do love this little motif!


33. Sharada Rajan - Her last pic is from 10th Jan 2023, and later in the month she wrote that she was waiting for some yarns, in fact she said: ”Was not happy with the way this particular color turned out. Will complete it soon”. So I suppose that she finished it but I have no pic to show you!

34. Suzanne Fortier - Just right after our first post on 3rd Jan 2023 she shared her pic in a comment, only PART1, but we had no updates after that date.


I love the cover doily, for many reasons - especially after I tatted it following the original pattern, as Muskaan would have loved to do for the TAL. All in all, even if we expert tatters had difficulties with it, absolutely I learned a lot, as usually we learn a lot when we have to overcome difficulties. Tatting it in parts and comparing all participants’ tips and tatting experiences, mistakes and achievements, it was a great lesson for all of us.

From Muskaan and me, our heartfelt thanks to Reiko Akamatsu and to all participants for keeping our group so active!

And many thanks to my PIC, Muskaan for her constant and expert support and encouragement  🥰

Ciao, Ninetta.

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  1. Lots of inspiration in these!! :)

  2. Well done to all the participants.

  3. I do commend all the participants and some of the works here are quite lovely! Well, life interferes or as is so common with us crafters - we get easily distracted and forget to return and finish 😄 Many thanks for all the participation and your efforts💕💕💕


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
