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Sunday, 30 June 2024

cover doilies roundup 1

In January 2023 we had our first Tat-Along in the Fb Endrucks group.

Endrucks’s 1920 book, ‘Die Schiffchen-Spitszen’, has 44 patterns including a triangular doily on the cover. In 2021 Reiko Akamatsu had already rewritten and diagrammed the cover doily pattern, although she modified and split it into many separate motifs. This is the link to the pattern reworked by Reiko - 

In spite of the appealing idea to follow the original pattern, worked in one pass, Muskaan and I hadn’t time to write, diagram and prepare it for the TAL (I’ll talk about it in a future post). 

So, we organized the game in this way: starting from Reiko’s pdf, during the month we shared small portions or rounds at a time and shared pictures, notes and tips for each part at regular intervals. We shared a total of 6 parts:

PART 1 – Rounds A,B,C -
PART 2 – Rounds D,E -
PART 3 – Round F 1st part -
PART 4 – Round F 2nd part -  
PART 5 – Motif G -   
PART 6 – Motif H & joining Motif G/Finishing - 

Reiko’s pattern with multiple parts turned out to have many advantages, including the possibility of playing very well with colours, and tatters of any level enjoyed working smaller pieces with less fear of mistakes. 

In this post and in the next there are pics of the doilies finished by members of the group, listed alphabetically. In a successive third post I’ll show you the WIPs sent in.


1. Adriana Tomanin - Joined us with enthusiasm, and she found the doily was not easy despite being a very good tatter

2. Anna Bonelli - She’s another good tatter who admitted to have had some problems in the working, but she overcame difficulties resorting to both shuttle and needle, which she masters smoothly. 

Anna Bonelli even created a derivative model, a basket full of flowers (you can find it in the directory: “Baskets from Endrucks” -  )

3. Anna Tedesco - She tatted 3 doilies!! After the first one she wrote “Questo centrino è davvero difficile da realizzare.” (This doily is really difficult to make). I forgot to ask her if she changed her mind after her third!

4. Antonia Lai  - She tatted 2 doilies, one of which she called her “learning piece” (the dark blue, cream, variegated powder blue & white), but I think both doilies look very beautifully tatted!

5. Beata Sumowska - She shared with us her thoughts that Reiko’s pattern is well developed. We’re very happy that she mentioned it, so we have the excuse to thank Reiko one more time!

6. Brookie Heightsmen - She decided to change the outer contour and said it was her “own touches”. 

7. Debra Fitchen Cox - Very kind of her thanking the group and the admins for giving her the opportunity to learn. Debra, I should confess that also we admin learn something more every time we prepare new instruction and diagrams! 

8. Dorota Siew - She thought she was late for the game, because she posted her finished doily in April. Absolutely she wasn’t late! And we welcome new participants at any time! 

NOTE - If you like taking inspiration from the current or past games, these are now collected in a separate document, just choose one and start! - EP Events:  

9. Inga Madsen - She’s a pioneer in tatting and redrawing E’s cover doily, in fact she tatted and diagrammed it in summer 2022, and her work is in the “Orkis Bladet Nr. 76 - Summer 2022” publication of the Danish Tatting Association (but she shared it with us during the TAL and so I included it in this roundup!) 

10. Kseniia Pavlyna - About the colours she used, here is what she wrote: “There was how I could see Bavaria region in Germany after our reallocation from Kyiv in Ukraine to Munich due to war conditions. After start of this project I realized that it was exactly 100 after creation the pattern and this author was originally from German (I was also born in Dresden, Germany before my parents moved back to Ukraine) - such tatting of the life”

Note that she also tatted the edging E6 as a frame.

11. Liliana Tosini - She very nicely thanked us for the continuous encouragement we give to the group. Thank you back for participating and for never being discouraged!

... to be continued. Ciao, Ninetta

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  1. Wow, such a lot of beautiful work. Interesting to see so many versions side by side.

  2. It was great fun and so many beautiful versions were created, thanks to our talented participants 😍😍😍

  3. I love seeing how various colors accent different parts of this pattern. Giving this pattern in small bits is a great.

  4. These are all beautiful and awesome!!!!
    The one done by Anna Bonelli made me think of a fancy cupcake. ;)


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
