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Wednesday, 28 August 2024

roundup 2 - stars and snowflakes for tatme dec2022

In December 2022 we had our first “Tat Me” game in the Fb Endrucks group. It consisted of tatting from a given set of patterns, snowflakes and stars derived from Endrucks patterns E3 and E12. Whosoever tatted the most number of models won the right to have them shown in the cover-pic of our group, from 24th to 31st December.

We received over 100 models!! That's awesome!!

Many thanks to Krystyna Mura who shared her 3 pdfs for stars and snowflakes derived from pattern E12, and to Muskaan, who designed the heart pattern derived from E3, which I incorporated to obtain a  snowflake.

Many many thanks to Paola Emilia Rotuletti who won the competition, tatting 28 models! Actually she told us that she tatted more than these, but we didn’t need more proof as she won by a wide margin!
Just one week after we started the game, Paola had already tatted 12 models! If you can make it out in the next pic, the dark green version of the Filigree star has pointed onion rings, that’s just a simple example of how our collection of different models can grow! She used these stars and snowflakes to dress up her Christmas 2022 Tree, and also as gift tags.

This is the list of the top five members, who tatted the most number of models:

  • Paola Emilia Rotuletti - 28 (and we don’t know how many more!)
  • Paola Bevilacqua - 21 (just because she was on something else for Christmas!)
  • Anna Tedesco - 15 (well, that is the official count!)
  • Lou Bunker - 12 (I think she’s trustworthy)
  • Ruth Palsson - 9 (all given away, so maybe she needed more?)

I invite you to read the previous post ( )
and to visit the Facebook album where all models are compiled (there are more than 100 pictures) -    

In a successive third post I’ll show you my tatting and some stepwise pics I took for the game.


 Continuing from previous post.

16. Krystyna Mura - She said: “It was a great pleasure to share the patterns with the group 💗💝💗 I'm overjoyed to see so many beautiful stars and snowflakes tatted during this game!” - Many thanks! During December 2022 she added three models to her collection!

17. Laura Grisogani - She shared with us only her first attempt, where she admits to have made many errors, well hidden, imho... She told us that she has little time to devote to tatting, but if she could, she would always participate!

18. Lou Bunker - She tatted 12 snowflakes, with beads and using also metallic thread, a very nice and varied set, and a good count to enter in the top-five for the game!

19. Margaret Davies - She is the tatter who shared her Endrucks’ Angel (and Bell) pattern for our #tagmeEndrucks game held in November 2022 (the pattern is listed in the Angels & Tree Ornaments directory - ) - She often posts in our group! She said it was snowing outside and was bitterly cold for several days there where she lives. Great time to stay at home and tat! About her snowflakes, she ironically said: “all my points have a mind of their own,  no matter what I do they love to point in any direction but straight. Perhaps it’s my silly arthritis hand.” Let it snow, Margaret, in any direction!

20. Mela Cabo - She used metallic thread for tatting her snowflake and wished Merry Christmas to the group with a sweet picture.

21. Muskaan - Actually Muskaan and I started tatting stars and snowflakes in November, hence our participation to the competition would have not been fair… Anyway, the both of us together couldn’t reach the half of the number of models reached by the winner, LOL! Muskaan showed us her before and after pics, challenging herself with bead placement, in three posts in her blog:

22. Paola Bevilacqua - Midway through the month, she shared a short video with her sparkling twinkles, tatted with metallic thread. “Only” a second place for her, with 21 models! But her shuttles never rest, she tatted all the time till Christmas for more gifts and decorations!

23. Paola Emilia Rotuletti - She won the competition with 28 models! Her collection picture is at the start of this post.

24. Reiko Akamatsu - In her Filigree Star she didn’t tat the little rings in the tips. She posted her pic writing: “May peace come”. Unfortunately we still need this wish.

25. Roberta Porati - She added sparkle (to the already sparkling Sanbest metallic thread) using a lot of beads. Also, she added her own touch in one of them, adding an inner round to the Celtic pattern. She tried her hand at split chain for the first time in her tatting life! Well done!

26. Ruth Palsson - She tatted 9 snowflakes, using Lizbeth 20 (cotton and metallic) and DMC Diamant, and gave them away as Christmas gifts. She is in the top-five too! She wrote that tatting the Filigree was a learning process: she had never done split chains. She said: “Googled it and decided it was too difficult with the time I had available before I left the country to travel for X’mas! Had a good look at the pattern and realized it needed SCMR to do those thrown rings. Googled that too.” Thanks to a tutorial found online by Frivole, she could make it! Wonderful!

She also had a great help from Muskaan on how to avoid gapsosis in thrown rings. Muskaan’s blog is an amazing resource, and here is the link we are talking of:
And also Muskaan left in the comment more tips:

With time I no longer need to fold the thrown ring(s). Simply position the TR flat, leave the tiniest bit of bare thread (enough to cover the height of the ds, and make the 1st half-stitch as close and 'under' the TR. You might need to wriggle the thread/stitch into position. Then hold it in your pinch and Then tat the next half-stitch. Remove from pinch only after 1 complete ds is made.
Several ways to make TRs (the pdf has detailed steps) -
Some tatters make an unflipped half-stitch at the base of TR before continuing with the chain. I don't like it, nor need it. But whatever works for you is fine.
Hope these tips help?

Absolutely she helps!

27. Sharada Rajan - She posted only 5 stars and snowflakes, but she said there were a few more. I'm delighted to know that our game “produced” more stars and snowflakes than we can see, LOL!

28. Silvana Buonvino - She enjoyed tatting all her stars and snowflakes. For the Filigree star, she tatted the inner motif first, in pink and light blue (typically colours for newborns), and she thinks that having a four-leaf clover inside, makes for an auspicious gift for a newborn baby.

29. Stella Marina - She posted her first Filigree star very fast, just two days after we started the game. But then pre-Christmas chores have taken over, and she couldn't add more stars to her collection.

30. Vani Kattoju - She’s a creative tatter and at the time of the game she had just joined the group. She used cone thread and Lizbeth metallic gold. She is one of the two ladies who tatted all the letters for a new “Endrucks” banner, during the recent game “Name Me” in June 2024.

31. Winnie Ho - she is a very good tatter, and she’s the same lady who came out with the idea of the carrot and snap pea earrings (listed in the Jewellery directory - ) - She posted only one snowflake on 22nd Dec, just in time for the game, and shared with us a very funny anecdote, she told us that she accidentally dropped the snowflake in her bowl of cereals when it was almost finished! So she had to wash and dry it before she could continue!


And ... if you’re still there, I tatted some snowflakes and stars too, before and during the game, that perhaps you want to look at… So, here is me in the last position, not for the competition but for the fun:
32. Ninetta Caruso - next post!

Ciao, Ninetta

Part 1 - 

Part 2 - 

Part 3 - 


  1. There is so much variety! I did not participate, but I did enjoy seeing what everyone had done. There is so much talent among tatters!

  2. Congratulations to the winner and all the participants!

  3. Absolutely wonderful stars and snowflakes!!!

  4. Congratulations to Paola and all participants for their beautiful works and the diversity of ideas! 💕 I guess sometimes the clouds came out, which is why some stars and snowflakes got hidden ;-D


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
