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Tuesday, 27 August 2024

roundup 1 - stars and snowflakes for tatme dec2022

Yes, you read that right: 2022. I'm a little late, aren't I?

In December 2022 we had our first “Tat Me” game in the Facebook Endrucks group. 

Our idea was to indulge in the seasonal tatting (typically stars and snowflakes), but also spice up the game by including a tatting contest. We liked the formula a lot, so much so that we repeated it in December 2023, but I'll tell you about it in a future post. Now, back to December 2022.

The “Tat Me” Game consists of tatting from a given set of patterns, and whosoever tats the most number of models wins the right to have their models as the cover-pic of our group for one week.

The Game started on 28th November 2022 and ended on 22nd December 2022, and the winner won the cover-pic of our group from 24th to 31st December. This is the link to the Facebook post with the announcement -

Here are the snowflakes and stars patterns we chose for the TatMe Dec2022 game:

1- “Tat me snowflake” - Pattern derived from the “Pretty Me Coaster” designed by me for the Pretty Me Game (Aug 2022) - an adaptation of the heart designed by Muskaan and derived from Endrucks’ pattern E3;

2- “Little Stars and Snowflakes” - Patterns derived from Endrucks’ pattern E12 by Krystyna Mura - each star or snowflake consists of one round where one basic pointed motif is repeated 5 or 6 times;

3- “Celtic Stars and Snowflakes” - Celtic patterns derived from Endrucks’ pattern E12 by Krystyna Mura - based on the same pointed motif as the previous “Little Stars and Snowflakes” - in this variant each celtic motif consists of two interlaced “Little” stars/snowflakes;

4- "Filigree Stars and Snowflakes" - Patterns derived from Endrucks’ pattern E12 by Krystyna Mura - based on the same pointed motif as the previous “Little Stars and Snowflakes” - in this variant each star/snowflake consists of two rounds worked continuously, from the outer round toward the inner round (split chains involved);

Many Thanks to Krystyna and to Muskaan for their contribution to the game.

In this post and in the next there are collage pics of a flurry of stars and snowflakes sent by members of the group, listed alphabetically. I invite you to visit the Facebook album where all models are compiled (there are more than 100 pictures) -    

Among participants there are tatters who posted only once in the group. We appreciate the participation of each and every tatter, and hope that some of them will return to play with us in our future games.

In a successive third post I’ll show you my tatting and some stepwise pics I took for the game.


1. Adriana Tomanin - She found the “Little Stars and Snowflakes” was the easiest pattern in the game. That makes her a good tatter indeed, because I think this pattern asks for a regular tension, which cannot be taken for granted by tatters on their first try.

2. Anita Schaeder - She thinks the “Tat me snowflake” is a very interesting pattern and a joy to tat! Thank you! She shared her version with 5 repetitions of the heart designed by Muskaan, which makes it similar to the “Pretty Me Coaster”. Also, she tatted one “Little Star”, using DMC size 20. Then, she felt her model from the “Celtic Stars and Snowflakes” was a bit empty in the center, so she added a simple flower (where rings are 3ds and chains 6ds); The “Celtic” and the “Filigree” are tatted with Mölnlycke cotton thread size 20, yellow and light brown, and Lizbeth size 20 "Autumn Spice". 

3. Anna Bertini - She called them “Le mie stelline” (my little stars), sent her heartfelt thanks to Muskaan and me and complains that her arthritis doesn't allow her to make nice tatting anymore. A big thank you for your participation, we really appreciated it.

4. Anna Bonelli - She posts often in our group, being a good tatter who can pass smoothly from shuttle to needle. Can you say what she used here? I forgot to ask her…

5. Anna Tedesco - Copying here a comment by Muskaan: “I am sure Krystyna had You in mind when she made multiples 🤣”!!! Actually, I think she hid another bunch of stars and snowflakes, but we had to be strict and counted only the pics she sent! For her own admission of guilt: “I spend more time photographing them than making them!” (We should ask Daniela Galli, if she confided her total count to her pal!)

6. Antonia Lai - She kindly arranged all her models in a short video, wishing “Merry Christmas from Down Under” (she is Australian).

7. Antonietta Gazzaneo - She enjoyed so much all models tatted by others, that she wanted to have a part in the fun, even with only two models!

8. Cristina Reb - In the Filigree Star she added a top picot, ready to be hung as a Christmas decoration! Great idea!

9. Daniela Bogacka - She participated tatting the “Pretty Me Coaster”, but I think it is a nice star for the Game, isn’t it? 

10. Daniela Galli - I'm pretty sure there were some more snowflakes under Daniela's cups, but these are what she showed us. To date, her ice drop model is one of only two actually tatted for the Endrucks 1920 Project.

11. Debra Fitchen Cox - She uses her favourite Aunt Lydia size 10 thread. She called her “Celtic” snowflake “Charlie Brown snowflake”! Very funny! She is so kind to thank the group and the admins on every game she participates, for giving her the opportunity to learn: “So enjoying this adventure thank you for being accepting of my attempts.

12. Ellen Stevenson - She tatted three “Little Stars and Snowflakes”. Sportingly, she wrote “Thank you for the project - challenging but enjoying.” Thank you for participating!

13. Irma Noemí Figueroa - She was creative, adding beads and tatted motif as an alternative inner round for the “Celtic Star” pattern. She also tatted a Dream Catcher variation of the “Little Stars and Snowflakes” pattern. 

14. Julie Myers - She wrote: “I am a bit late, but I have been doing things for other people. Better late than never.” Julie, nobody is ever late for our Games!
She is the same tatter who designed one of the two pumpkins we have used for the VegPatch game this month (the pattern is listed in the Foliage directory - ) -

NOTE - If you like taking inspiration from the current or past games, these are collected in a separate document, just choose one and start! - EP Events:

15. Kaylyn Beattie - She used Lizbeth Metallic in Gemstone colour. She said it was a fun pattern! And also found she needs to work on her tension a bit. I think she did a great job.

... to be continued.

Ciao, Ninetta

Part 1 - 

Part 2 - 

Part 3 - 


  1. Such fun to look at what people submit! Keep up your games!!

  2. It is such fun to revisit the lovely entries! Excellent work and enthusiasm. 💕💕💕

  3. I love seeing all the creativity!! Fabulous stars and snowflakes!!


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
