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Thursday, 29 August 2024

it was my turn - stars and snowflakes for tatme dec2022

For our “Tat Me” game in December 2022, for the Endrucks 1920 Project Group, we received over 100 stars and snowflakes! We love seeing our group enthusiastically engaged!

I invite you to read the previous posts:
and to visit the Facebook album where all models are compiled -    

In the next picture you can see how I used many of the stars and snowflakes: I bought two tote bags and then sewed the tatting on them with an invisible sewing thread. These were X’mas gifts for two friends of mine. Can you spot the “Fronkensteen butterfly” ? Now she’s gone with the bag… ( )


In the current post I’ll show you my tatting, not listed in any particular order, partially made before the game, and some stepwise pics I took during the game.


1. Pattern by Krystyna Mura, “Celtic Stars and Snowflakes” - Pdf link:
The motif was slightly ruffled, thread is metallic Sanbest (3 strands), but after some mumbling, I decided to follow Muskaan’s tip - how to block using a rolling pin - ( )


2. Pattern by Krystyna Mura, “Filigree Stars and Snowflakes” - Pdf link:
I haven't followed her instructions, I found it easier to tat the inner round first. I closed all the SCMRs together at the end, using another thread as a helper: I cut a short length of a cotton thread, folded it in half and put it at the very start and then at the starting point of each scmr. At the end, I passed the core thread in that loop (as though it was a magic loop trick), pulled the core thread and blocked them all in the centre. I cut and sewed ends. Here is the stepwise pics shared in the group:

Fig.3. Thread is metallic Sanbest, 4 strands.

In next pic, the little red rings are 4-3-3, I changed Krystyna’s stitch count.
There's a scmr that is not perfect, I had tension issues, but I loved this challenge.

Fig.4. Thread is metallic Sanbest, 3 strands.

3. Another Filigree Stars designed by K.Mura.
I tatted this one continuously starting from the outer round (faithful to Krystyna's original pathway)


4. Another Filigree Star designed by K.Mura.
Tatted continuously, starting from the inner round, as suggested by Muskaan ( )



5. Another Filigree Star designed by K.Mura.
Following Muskaan's tip again, and tatted in two separate rounds. Added the clip and one unflipped stitch after closing each scmr, as explained by Muskaan here - .
There's a little hole in the centre, that didn't show with my previous method (see Fig.7), but I like it!
Well, my personal preference is tatting this pattern in two separate rounds.


6. Another Filigree Star from the pattern by K.Mura -
This is a variant of the Filigree Stars, following the tip by Krystyna: “By modifying the number of ds in the inner round, you can get motifs of other shapes.” I tatted 6 petals for the centre round, but I was not completely satisfied, it was ruffling at the end of the first round, and still slightly ruffled when finished. In the attempt to reduce the ruffle, I reduced the size of the thrown rings in the outer round, here they are 4-2-2


7. Next is from the set “Little Stars and Snowflakes” by K.Mura. - Pdf link:
I posted in the group a very short video, where I moved and stretched the arms till they were good enough for a nice picture! Now you can watch the video also here:


8.  “Tat me snowflake” by N. Caruso - Pdf link:
This pattern is based on the “Eye Spy Heart” designed by Muskaan and derived from Endrucks’ pattern E3 - I have only added the split rings in the centre. Five repetitions of the heart make it a little coaster; six repetitions make it a snowflake (with a little modification in the arms, otherwise it wouldn't lie flat).
I’ve shared a short video with the model shared in the pdf and tatted in November, just before the game, with beads at tips -

In the next model, made in December, I tatted the thrown rings as mock rings (or SCMR), hence a little thrown ring 4-4 can be added at the tips. When tatting the second SCMR, I joined with an Under and Over join (well this is over and under!) also called Alligator join.
For a tutorial about the Under and Over Join, please read this one by Muskaan: 
And also:



Where all my stars and snowflakes went? Oh, one or two were spotted on the Christmas Tree!

The game is really over! But you can still continue to tat and share with us stars and snowflakes from our Project, all listed in the Snowflakes directory -
and they will be always very welcome!

From Muskaan and me, our heartfelt thanks to Krystyna Mura and to all participants!

And a special thank from me to Muskaan, I am so fortunate to have such an amazing partner in this Project! 🥰

Ciao, Ninetta.


  1. Sewing them on to bags is a splendid way to show off your stars. You’ve certainly done the different designs justice.

  2. Thank you (and Muskaan) for inspiring us!!

  3. Love all your versions and the tips and tricks you employed! Thank you so much for hosting the event and being a true partner and friend 💕💕💕

  4. Great article with lots of project variations! Snowflakes in summertime! I love it! Hugs, Anita


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
