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Tuesday, 9 January 2018


I wonder if the anonymous inventor of tatting would be surprised to see how many passionate lacers have been conquered by the magic 2 stitches. I just love these little roses, they look so simple and realistic. 
While playing with my dollhouse project, I learned that things haven't to be real but only look almost real. I must tat again a doily for the table, yes sigh, it arrived and it is very small and the doily I tatted is too big (!!).

Pattern is just an adaptation of the beautiful Roses' pattern by Jeanne Lugert (it can be found here: Please note that she is the only owner of the copyright for this pattern.

My adaptation for the mini roses:
SR 3/1-1
(SR 4/2-2) repeat for 4 times
(SR 6/3-3) repeat for 4 times
(SR 8/4-4) repeat for 4 times
 The finishing is the same as the original pattern, passing tails in picots, as I already explained here:

There are a lot of tatters that have already joined the international project started by by Cathy de Greef ( Tat a Brussels’ monument in pink ). I've tatted 50 squares till now. For the first 30 squares, I followed her pattern, then I finished the pink thread. I have a bad flaw, indecision, made even worse for the fact that I always tend to put off everything. So now I think I would had to buy online the right thread in november, instead of trying HWT or making up a new square for the thin thread I have handy. However, that happened, I have almost a full ball of Lizbeth size 40 color called "Raspberry Frappe" (yum!) and a square that only needed to be tested. I have tatted 20 squares with this thread and my alternative pattern.

I also tested the same pattern (different stitches' count) with a size 20 thread, so if you have that size, you please would like to give it a try, please feel free to test it and in case it works for you, you can use it as an alternative for the Brussels squares. The finished motif should measure 3cm x 3cm. In the next short version text, R means ring and Ch means chain; FR means floating ring.

Pattern is worked with two shuttles CTM, I load all thread in shuttle2, unwind about 80cm and then put this tail in shuttle1, start the center ring with shuttle2, then do not reverse work and change shuttle, tatting the rest with the shuttle1 as the core shuttle.

Short text:
Center ring: R 3-3-3-3
First round: mock picot, (Ch 3-3, lock join to center picot) repeat for 4 times
Second round: Ch 3-3-3, *[ R 3+3 (join R to first round), FR 3+6-3 (join to last picot in chain),
FR 3+6-6-3 (join to previous FR), FR 3+6-3 (join to previous FR), Ch 3+3-3, lock join to first round in the space between two chains, over the previous lock join] repeat from * for 4 times except that in the last chain the last picot must be a join to the first picot of the first chain.

Drawing is in Flickr:
square for Brussels


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  1. Such beautiful tiny roses!!!
    Great squares!!

  2. Love the roses and doll house miniatures so can't wait to try💜🌹💜 then your square with size 40 is very nice too🎀I am out of size 20 so this 40 is good for me. Thanks for the patrern😊💜😊

    1. Thank you! But the pattern is for the size 20! In the version for thread size 40, change each 3ds with 4ds and each 6ds wit 8ds, that is to have the square 3x3cm

  3. The roses are beautiful, beautiful! I love that pattern and will try your version and maybe make some earrings!

    I have wondered what tatters from the past would think of our current variations too. I do like ve so many of the "modern" interpretations as well as the vintage patterns. Such much to try. So little time!

  4. Smells rosy
    I still haven't tried this pattern - but have been collecting them in one place, including your variations.
    Nice squares!

    1. I'm waiting your version of the rose then!

  5. I loved those roses, technique is same as that of crochet rose. I will try for this also with your new version.

  6. Sweet roses! Thanks for the pattern. I'm posting off my squares today, but I'll try the pattern anyway.

  7. Beautiful flowers Lots of squares you did for the monument. I'm also going to do Your pattern is great too! Regards!

  8. Love your roses,
    Your squares are lovely, I have a small pile increasing day by day,
    Thank you for sharing the new square pattern, I have done two different patterns so I think I will be doing some in this pattern too.


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
