

Dear Reader,
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Thursday, 14 April 2016

forget about it!

I forgot a chain and I don't know how it happened but I discovered it only after completing the row.

Cutting and re-tatting? Forget about it: I haven't got enough thread to tat the row again, so scissors aren't appropriate here, I needed a scalpel...
I had 4 ends to deal with, numbered in pics. I only untied a chain, from the point where it joins to previous row, to where it joins to next chain.

I loaded a new shuttle (a wonderful gift from a wonderful generous tatter) with thread and beads and started CTM, attaching it to previous round, where it is pointed by an arrow in the picture.

Started the chain: I hid the end number 1 inside the first 4-5 ds of the chain, then joined to previous chain and went on. I left the end number 2 to be hidden at the end with a needle.

When I joined the following chain, I used the same method that I used for the last chain in the row, hiding the tail of the core thread as in a SSSCh. So, after the join, I had only one more end to deal with, number 5 in the picture.

To hide the end number 4 - that was really short! - I used an auxiliary thread, very thin, and passed it doubled through some beads with the help of a needle. I used it as though it was an auxiliary thread in the magic loop method to hide ends.

Ends numbered 2, 4 and 5 have been hidden with the help of a needle.

Coming soon: the finished necklace!

( )
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  1. Such talent and elegance!!!

  2. You are sooooo talented with the teensy, finicky moves... I envy you that ability! I do not have your amazing patience. : ))

    1. My dear Colors' Fairy, it's so kind of you, ty, but you should not envy, that is just an example of my tatting ... in tatters!

  3. I never would've thought to repair like that. I always but the section out then fix. But this seems to he a great way to repair as well. THS!

    1. I meant to say TFS (thanks for sharing)

    2. Thank you very much lequita, for your comment.

  4. Mistakes offer us an opportunity to innovate & think outside the box. So here's to mistakes (but keep them limited - we don't want to get over-intoxicated)

  5. Wow, well saved Ninetta. Beautiful necklace, I'm glad you could manage without cutting great amounts off!

    1. Ty Jane! I thought it would have been nice to share not only finished pieces.

  6. Wow that's a wonderful save you did a great job nit only cirrecting a problem but saving time and thread
    Well done


Thank you very much for all your nice comments.
